미국 캘리포니아 라호야(La Jolla) 에 위치한 UC San Diego 대학부설 어학원은 현재 온라인과 대면 수업을 병행하는 Hybrid 수업을 지속해 오고 있는데요, 올 가을학기부터 아래와 같이 대면 수업을 재개한다고 합니다.
• English Language Institute (ELI): students will be back in the classroom for face-to-face interaction with their instructor, classmates, and cultural ambassadors (conversation leaders) this fall.
• University and Professional Studies: students will have improved chances of getting seats in classes offered through the UC San Diego academic departments this fall. They may still choose to take an online class through Extension.
• Business and TEFL certificates: students in some programs may have 1-2 online classes this fall due to the high demand for remote classes among U.S. professionals who take Extension courses and the fact that some classes are shared with domestic students.
UCSD 대학교 부설 어학원에 관심 있는 분들은 한국등록사무소, 아틀라스 코리아로 연락주시기 바랍니다