Welcome Message

Welcome from Managing Director
Atlas was established in February 1989 under the name of Atlas International for the purpose of consulting overseas training programs for global human resource development, when globalization and internationalization were national themes throughout the Korea right after the Seoul Olympic Games in 1988.
In late 1980, Korea was not only in an unfavorable position compared to rival major Asian exporters in terms of price competitiveness but also faces in a disadvantage in non-price competition with developed countries such as Japan and European countries. Acquiring a dominant market position, it is inevitable to boost up a non-price competition by procuring and cultivating talented with ability to speak fluent English and to have advanced international management skills.
In order to assist national strategic theme and introduce effective solution for globalization of the country, Atlas, soon after its opening, began setting up partner relationship with prestigious overseas universities as a local representative of the International Programs offering English language courses, academic courses and professional programs, and started providing a new breed of educational solution under the financial support from the institutions to university students who will take a vital role to globalize Korea.
With cooperation of those educational institutions, Atlas has provided the cooperative clients, public organizations and financial institutions with overseas professional training programs for assisting their global HRD strategies. We have not only customized global management programs but also focused on the Leadership Training, Visiting Scholar Programs and Executive Programs for business professionals in various fields.
In addition, Atlas is in partnership with Laureate Hospitality Education in the USA which owns worldwide campuses in the domain of hospitality education and thereby introduces Korean youth to special program such as hospitality, sports, entertainment, event and leisure management that are growing industries as a green industry. We expect that the graduates will be able to take a vital role for Korean hospitality to be advanced and internationalized.
Atlas International always values trustworthy with clients and earns loyalty by consistently providing the highest quality and service. We strive for excellence in all we do for clients’ goal achievement. Our commitment to client satisfaction strengthens and expands our business.
Thank you.
Johnny Chung
Managing Director
Atlas Korea Co., Ltd.
Tel : 82-2-540-0747 / E-mail: master@atlaskorea.com
Copyright ⓒ Atlas Korea Co., Ltd, All Right Reserved.